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Posts tagged ‘Review’

YouTube Video Of The Week: Vinyl Survivor #152

For my weekly video this week I have an episode of my “Vinyl Survivor” series.  This series is where I talk about vinyl records I have put through a critical listening session.  I talk about what I liked or disliked about each one. I give a good look at the sleeves inserts and the records themselves.  And I let you know whether they are destined to stay in my permanent collection or whether they are going to be passed on.Enjoy the show!

Return to blogging & a new camera lens!

So I never gave this blog much attention, now that I am working on changing my role at work I think it would be helpful practice to update this blog on a regular basis.  I will make this a place I share the photos and videos I am creating.  There will be commentary on tech related things, I find myself talking back to podcasts, from now on I will turn those thoughts into blog posts.  A place to share neat or funny things I see, and just a semi personal journal to collect and share my thoughts.

A few weeks ago I placed a low-ball bid on E-Bay for a lens I have been curious about for a while. Lo and behold I was the winning bidder, and less than a week later it was in my hands. Meet my new Sigma 17-70 f2.8-4 Contemporary Lens.


Being part of Sigma’s “Contemporary”  line of lenses this 17-70mm lens is meant as an upgrade or replacement to your camera’s “kit” lens without the shocking price of a professional lens.  Sigma dubs their professional line of lenses the “Art” series.  I do have one Sigma “Art” lens in my collection and they are truly superior quality lenses.

I first had an experience with the older brother to this 17-70 lens when I briefly had Sigma’s SD Quattro camera in my possession. That camera came with an “Art” lens of its own, a 30mm f1.4 prime lens. While it was a high quality and sharp lens to use I found its output to be almost sterile and boring.  I had also ordered a somewhat older 17-70 f2.8-4.5 lens to use with that camera and found I really enjoyed using it. I found it to be a very versatile lens with pleasing output.  It’s not going to win an sharpness contests, but the further I get into photography the more I realize that is not the only quality of a lens. Plus, only the most fervent of pixel peepers could really tell the difference, it is plenty sharp. There are also factors to consider when choosing a lens, such as color rendition, Bokeh (the blurry background), and contrast to name a few.

If anyone considering this lens for themselves happens to find this post, here is what makes this lens a good choice.  First off, it lets in twice as much light as your kit lens. This means you can get better pictures in low light or use a higher shutter speed than you previously would have been able to to freeze the action.  It also obviously will get a bit wider, though honestly there is not much difference between 17mm and 18mm. However 70mm on the long end versus the 55mm your kit lens likely reaches is a very nice and welcome feature if this is to be your only lens, or at least the one you take with you. It’s build quality and image quality will be noticeably better than what your kit lens produces.  The longer reach and wider aperture should allow this lens to make some very nice portraits if that is your thing, put your camera in aperture priority, set the ISO at 100, or as low as it will go (assuming you are outside or in a well lit area), zoom to 70mm and shoot away!

I took the new lens out to a favorite local park of mine a few days ago to put it through it’s paces, Morningside Nature Center.  The park features many miles of hiking trails and an 1800’s Florida living history farm.  The weather was uncooperative as it tends to be in the afternoon in this part of Florida, it was overcast with on and off light rain.  So I looked for some flowers to shoot in my short time there as I didn’t want to spend too much time out in the weather. The lower light levels allowed me to test out the lenses Image Stabilization, which woks great I might add. I managed to find a nice Passionflower and some clumps of Coreopsis, our state flower.  Here are the results of my brief hike, I look forward to using this lens more in the future.  So far I am happy with the photos it is allowing me to make, they certainly have that pleasing look I remember and I would recommend it to anyone looking to upgrade or replace their “Kit” lens!


A Passionflower with a Passionflower bud in the foreground. f11, 1/13 second (thanks to image stabilization) ISO 100


Passionflower with a few raindrops. f8, 1/30sec, ISO 100


Passionflower again, from the top. f8, 1/15sec, ISO 100


And finally a Coreopsis, the Florida State Flower. f11. 1/25sec, ISO 800

Thank you for reading, have an awesome day!

All images copyright Wesley Hetrick, do not use without permission!

Friday Album Review #1 – The XX-Coexist

Well it’s the first Friday on my new blog and I really don’t know what to write about.  I think I would like a theme for Fridays on this blog, maybe it will be album review day.  Either something that is new that week that I dig, or a pull of one of my favorites from the archives.  So starting next Friday I will plan on having a new album review for you every Friday.

This idea is spurred on a bit by my first ever published album review in the Glass Orchid Zine issue #4 from fall 2012.

Glass Orchid Zine Issue #4

Glass Orchid Zine Issue #4

I wrote a review of the XX’s sophomore album Coexist.  I really enjoyed the process of reviewing an album and it happened to be one I liked so that was a big help.  I love to talk about and share music with others, that is one of the main focuses of my YouTube  channel. Written reviews of single albums will be a different type of outlet than I am used to but it will be fun and challenging.

Here is my review of The XX- Coexist (2012) which appeared in that issue, for your reading and listening enjoyment!


The XX-Coexist (2012)

The XX-Coexist (2012)

Coexist: to exist separately or independently but peaceably, often while remaining rivals or adversaries. This is the overall theme of The XX’s sophomore album ”Coexist”.  Romy Madley Croft and Oliver Sim drew from personal relationship experiences while writing, Intimacy, heartbreak, loneliness, regret, awkwardness, it’s all there. The sound is tense, offbeat and minimal. The groups third member Jamie Smith adds drums, MPC, piano, even steel pan drum. Croft and Sim share vocal duties, sometimes flying solo, other times a conversational duet style. Coexist’s albums art is made up of images which are created by coexistence of oil and water. One of these photos show through an X which has been die cut into the plain white cover.

The album opens with Angels a solo track from Romy. The pace is a slow cadence that sets the tone of the album, a bass drum, a few guitar notes, and her voice are all that are there. Lyrically the song deals with being in love, knowing your partner better than anyone else, and realizing it’s over. The albums second track Chained opens with a wash of cymbals and we hear Oliver’s voice for the first time, the pace is quicker more melodic almost danceable. Oliver and Romy trade lines lamenting a relationship gone wrong.  On the third cut Fiction features a plucking guitar riff with a steady drum beat, Oliver takes this song, dealing with the loneliness following a breakup.  Try, the albums 4th track which deals with the desire to get back together prominently features a siren like synth, maybe intentionally as to pose a warning, danger! This track is one of my favorites! The theme continues on the album’s fifth track Reunion, vocals are shared with both coming to the conclusion that they will never be one again.

On the 6th track Sunset the two XX’s deal with the feelings of seeing each other again after it’s all over. Next up is Missing, dealing again with the loneliness of being apart, the duo takes turns singing over the others wailing, the music is somber and sparse. This is another favorite of mine, with an almost painful snare that comes and goes, along with long organ notes really set the feeling of this one up. The next track Tides we are again dealing with the emotions of loss.  Unfold deals with the love for one another that is still there even after it is all over. Swept Away is the longest track and begins the end of the album. Each takes a verse sharing the love they still feel for one another before the song builds into it’s down tempo dance pace. The album closes with Our Song, a soft melancholy track about friendship and love.

Overall The XX have created a good sophomore album that works well as a whole piece or just as single tracks.  At times the themes can be very emotional and painful to listen to but relatable for almost anyone.


I think writing a weekly album review will polish up my writing skills a bit and hopefully turn you on to some great music!

Have a great weekend,
