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Posts tagged ‘Coexist’

Friday Album Review #1 – The XX-Coexist

Well it’s the first Friday on my new blog and I really don’t know what to write about.  I think I would like a theme for Fridays on this blog, maybe it will be album review day.  Either something that is new that week that I dig, or a pull of one of my favorites from the archives.  So starting next Friday I will plan on having a new album review for you every Friday.

This idea is spurred on a bit by my first ever published album review in the Glass Orchid Zine issue #4 from fall 2012.

Glass Orchid Zine Issue #4

Glass Orchid Zine Issue #4

I wrote a review of the XX’s sophomore album Coexist.  I really enjoyed the process of reviewing an album and it happened to be one I liked so that was a big help.  I love to talk about and share music with others, that is one of the main focuses of my YouTube  channel. Written reviews of single albums will be a different type of outlet than I am used to but it will be fun and challenging.

Here is my review of The XX- Coexist (2012) which appeared in that issue, for your reading and listening enjoyment!


The XX-Coexist (2012)

The XX-Coexist (2012)

Coexist: to exist separately or independently but peaceably, often while remaining rivals or adversaries. This is the overall theme of The XX’s sophomore album ”Coexist”.  Romy Madley Croft and Oliver Sim drew from personal relationship experiences while writing, Intimacy, heartbreak, loneliness, regret, awkwardness, it’s all there. The sound is tense, offbeat and minimal. The groups third member Jamie Smith adds drums, MPC, piano, even steel pan drum. Croft and Sim share vocal duties, sometimes flying solo, other times a conversational duet style. Coexist’s albums art is made up of images which are created by coexistence of oil and water. One of these photos show through an X which has been die cut into the plain white cover.

The album opens with Angels a solo track from Romy. The pace is a slow cadence that sets the tone of the album, a bass drum, a few guitar notes, and her voice are all that are there. Lyrically the song deals with being in love, knowing your partner better than anyone else, and realizing it’s over. The albums second track Chained opens with a wash of cymbals and we hear Oliver’s voice for the first time, the pace is quicker more melodic almost danceable. Oliver and Romy trade lines lamenting a relationship gone wrong.  On the third cut Fiction features a plucking guitar riff with a steady drum beat, Oliver takes this song, dealing with the loneliness following a breakup.  Try, the albums 4th track which deals with the desire to get back together prominently features a siren like synth, maybe intentionally as to pose a warning, danger! This track is one of my favorites! The theme continues on the album’s fifth track Reunion, vocals are shared with both coming to the conclusion that they will never be one again.

On the 6th track Sunset the two XX’s deal with the feelings of seeing each other again after it’s all over. Next up is Missing, dealing again with the loneliness of being apart, the duo takes turns singing over the others wailing, the music is somber and sparse. This is another favorite of mine, with an almost painful snare that comes and goes, along with long organ notes really set the feeling of this one up. The next track Tides we are again dealing with the emotions of loss.  Unfold deals with the love for one another that is still there even after it is all over. Swept Away is the longest track and begins the end of the album. Each takes a verse sharing the love they still feel for one another before the song builds into it’s down tempo dance pace. The album closes with Our Song, a soft melancholy track about friendship and love.

Overall The XX have created a good sophomore album that works well as a whole piece or just as single tracks.  At times the themes can be very emotional and painful to listen to but relatable for almost anyone.


I think writing a weekly album review will polish up my writing skills a bit and hopefully turn you on to some great music!

Have a great weekend,
