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Posts tagged ‘Canon’

Shooting Film In A High Tech Way, My New Canon EOS Elan 7ne

It’s no secret that I love photography.  Whether it is with a cellphone, point and shoot, (D)SLR, instant, film, whatever. No matter what it is, if it captures an image chances are I like it.  I have many film cameras in my collection and I enjoy shooting with them.

I love the physicality of film and I also love the look of film.  I appreciate the sharpness and detail a modern digital SLR with a great lens can provide but when you see film you instantly know it is film and it has a certain magical quality about it.

Thats where my love of using film cameras end however. I don’t like manually focusing, I can, it’s not hard, but we have had the technology for decades and dammit I want to use it. I don’t like  figuring out the exposure with an old camera either. It generally means using another device a light meter or light meter app on my phone.  The built in light meters on many of these old cameras can be out of spec if they even had one to begin with and many times they were designed to use now outlawed mercury batteries. Sure you can pop in an equivalent sized zinc-air hearing aid battery but it will only last a few weeks and still you have a piece of electronics that are 40 or 50 years old running off a battery it wasn’t meant to run on.

Enter my new Canon EOS Elan 7ne, a 35mm film camera from the year 2004.  Yes, it is barely older than 10 years old and it features all the bells and whistles a geeky photo enthusiast like myself could ever want.

Canon Eos Elan 7Nne - Front

Since the 7ne is such a recent camera is uses modern batteries, has fast, modern multi point autofocus, an accurate light meter, and it rips through film at 4 frames per second, about as fast as my Canon T4i (650D) DSLR.

The most interesting feature of the Canon Elan 7ne is the eye control feature.  The camera tracks your eye movement and will focus on whichever focus point you are looking at.  This is no gimmick either, it woks amazingly well!  No more fumbling through a menu to set up which focus point you want to use every time you change what you are shooting, with the 7ne just look where you want the focus and the camera obeys your command and does it, amazing!

7ne Closeup, With Eye Control!

7ne Closeup, With Eye Control!

The shutter speeds are from Bulb to 1/4000 of a second. And the camera takes all Canon EF mount lenses of which I already have several that I use with my Canon T4i.  Even the image stabilization in the lenses that have it wok perfectly with this camera!

Canon EOS Elan 7ne - Top Down

Canon EOS Elan 7ne – Top Down

There are tons more features like Ai Focus and Ai Servo focus, aperture priority, shutter priority, exposure compensation, bracketing, auto film wind and rewind of course.  A nice big bright viewfinder, a backlit top LCD readout.

Canon EOS Elan 7ne - Top LCD

Canon EOS Elan 7ne – Top LCD

I chose to also add the BG-300 Canon Battery grip.  This allows the 7ne to use standard AA batteries as opposed to the more expensive CR2 batteries.  It also adds a grip for portrait shooting and a second shutter button and exposure lock button for portrait shooting as well.

I purchased the camera used from KEH out of Atlanta Georgia, in what they call “Bargain” condition for $99. I have ordered from them before and have always had great service, the items are always as good or better than you expect.

EOS Elan 7ne - Rear

EOS Elan 7ne – Rear

So to wrap this post up, I am excited about my new film camera.  I want to shoot more film than I have in the past and now I have the tool to do it! Film, with no boundaries!  Thanks for reading and checking this post out.  If you are a Canon DSLR owner yourself and would like to shoot film I highly recommend the 7ne, it will take any Canon EF lens you already have (does not work with EF-S lenses) and can be picked up on E-Bay or other places for under $100.

Saint Augustine Florida, Memorial Presbyterian Church

For part 3 or our Saint Augustine tour we have the Memorial Presbyterian Church. Constructed in 1889 by Henry Flagler using the same revolutionary poured concrete method used in his Ponce De Leon and Alcazar Hotels (Now Flagler College and Lightner Museum respectively).  Local coquina shells used as aggregate in the concrete gives these structures a unique look and color.  Lightner named the church memorial in honor of his daughter Jennie Louise Benedict who died the year it was built.  Lightner himself is interned there as well since his death in 1913.

While we did not venture into the church I have seen some photos from inside that are pretty impressive.  Here are a few of the photographs I made of the outside of the church on July 4 2014.

Memorial Presbyterian Church Exterior

Memorial Presbyterian Church 1889

Memorial Presbyterian Church Exterior

Memorial Presbyterian Church 1889

Memorial Presbyterian Church 3

Memorial Presbyterian Church 1889

Memorial Presbyterian Church 4

Memorial Presbyterian Church 1889

Happy Independence Day America

It has become tradition that my partner Kris and I visit Saint Augustine, Florida for the 4th of July every year. It is a little over 70 miles from home and offers quite a lot to do during the day as well as a spectacular fireworks show at night.

We spend the day seeing the sights and enjoying some good food and then settle in for a gorgeous fireworks show to end the night.  Here are what I think are the best of the fireworks photos I made this year.

It is only a little more than a year since I purchased my DSLR and I notice an improvement in my abilities over this first year.  I hope you enjoy these photos, I have more to share and I hope to be providing content on this blog more often. Thanks for checking in!

Fireworks Over Water

Independence day 2014, Fireworks show over the Matanzas Inlet in Saint Augustine Florida taken from the sea wall of the Castillo De San Marcos A historic fort from the Spanish Occupation of Florida. On the left you can se a part of the Bridge of Lions which spans the inlet.

Fireworks Over Water

Independence day 2014, Fireworks show over the Matanzas Inlet in Saint Augustine Florida taken from the sea wall of the Castillo De San Marcos A historic fort from the Spanish Occupation of Florida

Independence day 2014, Fireworks show over the Matanzas Inlet in Saint Augustine Florida taken from the sea wall of the Castillo De San Marcos A historic fort from the Spanish Occupation of Florida

Independence day 2014, Fireworks show over the Matanzas Inlet in Saint Augustine Florida taken from the sea wall of the Castillo De San Marcos A historic fort from the Spanish Occupation of Florida

Back From The Dead!

It has been ages since I have last made a post here.  I am sorry for letting this go for so long.  Full time job, Beer Blog, YouTube videos, hobbies, things just get in the way.  I have set wordpress as one of my browser start pages so that I may be reminded to blog more often.  Today I would like to share a recent photo of mine that I am really proud of.  I did this in the backyard this past Saturday.  I noticed the yard was covered in these tiny purple flowers so I grabbed my camera and got in really close.  As close as you really can with the kit lens my camera came with.  I was lucky enough to see this insect doing its magic with the flowers and it made a good photo even better. Enjoy this image and see you again soon!

Bumble Bee on purple flowers

Canon T4i with 18-135mm STM lens at 135mm f5.6

Photo of The Day #7

St. Augustine, FL July 4 2013

St. Augustine, FL July 4 2013

Canon T4i, 18-135 STM lens at 135mm

ISO: 100

f5.6, 1/800 second

Photo of The Day #6

After a brief delay, I have some more photos to share.  We spent the 4th of July in St Augustine, Florida.  I spent the whole day shooting and got some nice shots I will be sharing more from the day in the coming weeks.  Here is the best shot of the fireworks I made.

July 4 2013, St Augustine FL Fireworks and the Bridge of Lions

July 4 2013, St Augustine FL
Fireworks and the Bridge of Lions

Canon T4i, 18-135 STM Lens @18mm

ISO: 100

f8, 8 seconds

Photo of the day #5

The Seagle Building in downtown Gainesville Florida

The Seagle Building in downtown Gainesville Florida


Another shot from my photo walk home last week with my Canon 320HS point and shoot camera.  Just after an evening rain shower the sky was a beautiful blue grey color.  I walked the 2 miles home snapping photos along the way using light posts and whatever I could find to steady the shots.  I believe I was actually pressing the camera against a tree for this shot.  The building is the Seagle Building in downtown Gainesville Florida.

Canon 320HS, 18mm

Exposure: 1/2 second, f4

ISO: 200


Photo Of The Day #4

Century Tower at The University of Florida

Century Tower at The University of Florida


Walking home from work last night I decided to stop and try some long exposure shots of Century Tower, the 157 foot (48m) carillon bell tower at The University of Florida.  I often take pictures of the tower from different angles but thought it would be fun to make use of the SLR’s ability to do long exposure night shots. I did not have a tripod with me so I set up the camera on top of my camera bag and used the self timer to capture this shot.

Taken with Canon T4i, 18-135mm STM Lens.

3.2 second exposure


ISO 100

Photo Of The Day #3


The 4th of July is only a week away!  These plants make me think of fireworks.

Taken with a Canon T4i, 18-135 STM lens. 1/20, f6.3, ISO 100


Photo of the day #2

Photo of the day #2

Gainesville, Florida Clock Tower. Taken with a Canon 320HS using a lamp post to steady the shot. ISO 200, Wide open 18mm, f 2.7, 1/5 Second Exposure