The Blog Outlet for All Things Wes!

Posts tagged ‘Backyard’

Back From The Dead!

It has been ages since I have last made a post here.  I am sorry for letting this go for so long.  Full time job, Beer Blog, YouTube videos, hobbies, things just get in the way.  I have set wordpress as one of my browser start pages so that I may be reminded to blog more often.  Today I would like to share a recent photo of mine that I am really proud of.  I did this in the backyard this past Saturday.  I noticed the yard was covered in these tiny purple flowers so I grabbed my camera and got in really close.  As close as you really can with the kit lens my camera came with.  I was lucky enough to see this insect doing its magic with the flowers and it made a good photo even better. Enjoy this image and see you again soon!

Bumble Bee on purple flowers

Canon T4i with 18-135mm STM lens at 135mm f5.6