The Blog Outlet for All Things Wes!

Archive for the ‘Weight Loss’ Category

Weigh In Wednesday #4 Rolling Rolling Rolling!

Another weigh in Wednesday has come and gone.  Yes I weighed in yesterday, no I didn’t actually post this on Wednesday (again).

Well here goes, I lost another pound putting me at 175.8, definitely in the mid 170’s now.  February will be the push to hit the 160’s.  It’s a short month and there are a few events that are going to challenge me but I know I can do it, I have been for a month now!!

Weigh in Graph from Loose It!

Weigh in Graph from Loose It!

How was your January, did you make your goals?  What are your goals for February?

I guess I could take a bit of space here and talk about what I am doing to loose weight.  It’s not the preferred method nor would I recommend it to anyone but it works for me.  Ok, now I am making it sound like some crazy fad diet, I guess with the exception that I sometimes do eat junk when I have the calories for it and I am drinking diet sodas its actually pretty good.

I aim for a 1500 calorie a day intake.  I can eat whatever I want but the day has to fit into a 1500 calorie plan.  For the most part I eat Healthy Choice microwave meals for lunch,  they do a good job of keeping me from being hungry while having a very low calorie count, usually only around 300.  They seem to have a good mix of protien, veggies and carbs.  For dinner I usually have a 6″ subway sub.  Turkey, Ham or Roast Beef.  All are around 350 calories if you avoid the sauces and what not.  I love loading them up with a lot of fresh veggies like spinach, tomatoes, onions, Cucumbers, and bell peppers.  The rest of the day usually consists of snacks, pieces of fruit, a handful of chips, some jello, a cup of coffee with cream & sugar. Again not always the perfect healthy green type stuff, but I am trying to make this a lifestyle and not a “diet”.  I like green foods just fine but I like variety and I don’t want to eat them all the time.

Well that is enough for now, if you even got this far kudos, be well, happy February!

Weigh In Wednesday #3

Week #3 went well considering Monday was a day off so no walking and more eating out. Also lost a friend this past week so there was stress and some extra calories associated with that on Sunday. I weighed in and lost 1 pound exactly, this was mostly due to being really good and clean on Tuesday.

Weigh In Wednesday #3 Screenshot From Loose It

Weigh In Wednesday #3 Screenshot From Loose It

We are a little more than 9 weeks out from my goal of 165, so that is 11 pounds to go. I think this next week is going to be a good week, my diet has been good and I have been getting some extra exercise working in the garage on some record shelves I am building. Which I should actually post updates on here as well, this is no supposed to be only about weight loss.

Well that’s about it for now, I will post about the record shelves soon and some other things. I hope you all are doing well and staying on your plan, be well!


Weigh In Wednesday #2, yes I know it is now Thursday

So week 2, dreaded week 2!  My goal for the past week was to be more on target with my food intake.

Wed-Friday were pretty good, I did have Chipotle for dinner Friday which was still in my allowable calorie range but Friday night I found myself grazing and drinking beer.

Saturday was not great either, because my partner was displaying his Star Trek collection at the museum we didn’t get to eat anything until 5:30pm.  At that point I was ravenous. We ate at Jason’s deli which has an amazing Chicken Salad wrap that is around 350 calories add the fruit and dip that comes along with it for another 250 calories and you have a tasty dieters meal that comes in at a near perfect 600 calories.


Jason’s Deli Savy Chicken Salad Wrap. Wrap=350 calories Fruit with yougurt honey dip 250 calories.

That really wasn’t enough considering how hungry I was. I had 2 servings of the free ice cream, probably another 5-600 calories. Things are starting to go south here. 600 calories of sugar, boo!

Afterwards we went to our usual Saturday night boardgame meetup at Krystal’s.  After a few hours of gaming I was hungry again, and my sweet tooth was rearing its ugly head.  A double order of Sweet bites, basically deep fried dough rolled in cinnamon and sugar.  Another 800 calories there. Really junky and bad!

So in total I had about 2000 calories which is ok now and then but most of those calories were junk food so I was unhappy about that.

Sunday was just ok, I ate BBQ and got veggie sides so it was low carb but who knows when it comes to calories. Monday and Tuesday were really good, I ate healthy choice lunches at home and 6″ low calorie Subway Subs for dinner at work.

So on Wednesday I stepped on the scale and found myself down another 1.2lbs, that was great. But I have mixed feelings overall about how the weekend went.  It always seems like this is the case, I can do really good during the week and then the weekend is just bad all over.  I am happy I had a loss, and it is once again my goal this week to focus more and try to stay on plan on the weekend as well as during the week. I am hopeful for at least another 1 pound loss this week.


Screenshot from Lose It Weight Loss app Weigh In Wednesday #2

On the exercise front I have ordered a new armband for my cellphone since my old ones doesn’t fit my new phone so I can start running in the morning at least a few times a week.  I plan on at least doing the Midnight Fun Run 5k in the springtime that I have run the past 3 years.

I hope you are doing well with whatever goals you are working to achieve, you only fail if you don’t try!

Get high school thin now

So I just opened my mail and a spam e-mail with that title was at the top. I was fat in high school, close to obese fat.  No thanks stupid spambot, but thanks for making my day!

Weigh in Wednesday #1

Here we are a little over a week into January,  how are your new years resolutions going?  As I posted last week I gained some weight over the holiday season and I have a goal to get down to 165 pounds by the end of March for my best friends wedding.

This first week went pretty well.  I wasn’t on plan every day but I still did pretty good.  The first few weeks are always a little rough until I get into the routine of managing my calories.  The good news is that since it was the first week and I was coming of a full week of really bad eating and no exercise between Christmas and New Years I still had a very good loss.

I lost 2.2 lbs, my weight is now 179.0. Its great to be back in the 170’s only 14 pounds to goal! Who knows I may even get there early or move the goal forward a bit.  I guess it all depends on how the next few weeks go.  I feel good about my chance of success right now.

LooseIT Sumary Screen For January 9, 2013

Lose IT Sumary Screen For January 9, 2013

The freezer is full of Healthy Choice meals, the fridge is full of low calorie snacks and diet sodas (yes I know they are bad for me) I have no excuse not to stay on plan.  And I know how to eat out and stay on plan as well. I am going to work hard at being on plan more often this week, I will let you know how I did next Wednesday. Are any of you out there loosing weight? How are you doing?

Also, the Biggest Loser started this past week with 2 episodes aired already, I have only had the time to watch the first episode so far but the show has always been a great motivation for me.  And Jillian Michaels is back!  I think I should drag out my exercise equipment and work out during the show like I used to.

The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser

I hope you all are doing well, if not don’t give up. If you give up you are guaranteed to fail.

Take Care!

Battle of the Holiday Bulge

Against my desires I stepped on the scale for the first time in 3 months today.  Well, as expected it was not pretty.  I was up almost 10 pounds from my lowest last year on October 7.

Snapshot from the weight tracking portion of the LoseIT app on my iPhone

Snapshot from the weight tracking portion of the LoseIT app on my iPhone

I am one of those people who has battled with their weight all of my adult life.  From the time I was a teenager to age 31 I was overweight or obese topping out at nearly 250 pounds.  I mostly hovered around 225.

Several years ago I had a major shift in my life, I was lonely and unhappy.  I began counting calories and exercising regularly.  I went from 225 down to 169 between May 10 and December 31. My goal was 170 by new years and I did it with lots of hard work.  Over the next few months continuing with regular exercise and watching what I ate I got all the way down to 159 and I felt great.

I was able to maintain that weight for the next year.  I met someone, fell in love, life was great!  After a few more years my partner and I were looking for a house to move in together.  The stress of finding the perfect place along with not paying attention and a lack of exercise I found myself back up in the mid 190’s weight wise.

This past summer I decided it was time to do something about it. I walk 4 or more miles a day so that’s good exercise but I really needed to work on my diet.  I got back on LoseIT and dropped almost 25 pounds in a few months, I was down to 171 and almost back blow my original weight goal of 170.  You can see the nice steady weight loss in the chart above.  I have been doing this so long I consider myself an expert, I am really good at weight loss, I am terrible at maintaining a loss.  Then the holidays came, I got lazy again and ate like a pig.

So today I am at 181.2, it’s time to start counting calories again.  I am the best man in my best friends wedding in about 3 months.  I would like to be at 165 for that. So that is my goal, 165 by the end of March.  It is discouraging that after all this time and all I have learned and been through that this is still an issue for me.

I don’t envy people with money or fame but I sure do envy people who don’t have to worry about their weight, cheers to all you skinny bitches!