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Archive for the ‘Rant’ Category

Rant #1 Let’s “Touch The Apple” – Apple design, or a lack thereof

So here it is my first day back at work in 2013, Yay!  We just recently upgraded to new 27″ iMac’s here in the systems department, they help out a great deal for us programmers when you need to have several windows open. We had been using 17″ iMacs for the past 5 years or so, this was a very smart upgrade in my opinion.


So I am fine with using a Mac at work, that isn’t what my rant is about. Apple makes a very nice piece of hardware, the software works well too. I am banging this post out on my iPhone 5 which I love and has excellent design. My problem is with what I see as a huge design flaw that was present on our last iMac as well as this one and every model made thus far.

The farking power button is on the back at the bottom!

Why in the hell would anyone put it there! It’s just plain stupid. You have to blindly reach around (get your mind out of the gutter!) just to turn it on. This new one is the worst, the button is shaped so it follows the contour of the back of the computer, it is not easy to find. At least on our old white iMacs the power button was indented and was pretty easy to find blindly even though the location was odd.


Back in the day Apple put a power button on the keyboard which I thought was ingenious. But that has been gone for a while now, I guess it was just too good. Why can’t the power button be on the front? I understand it might be an aesthetic problem so why not use a touch sensitive button in the Apple logo on the front? Rather than cursing Apple and their lead designer Johnny Ives ever single day we could think happy thoughts and just Touch The Apple!