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Archive for the ‘Queer’ Category

Scott Heggart Big93Scott “Embracing our gay children”

I began watching Scott Heggart’s  videos or as I know him Big93Scott sometime in 2008 around the time I was coming out.  Scott is an amazing guy, not only is he a hot 6’4″ blonde hockey player but he is also intelligent, respectful, honest and caring.

Watching his videos I always felt like I could relate to him, having that double edged sword of not being what anyone thinks of when they think of a gay person and the self hate and the self doubt that comes with it.

If you have 25 minutes to spare and are interested please take the time to watch this piece about Scott and his family.

Embracing our gay children: a life and death matter.

Here is a link to Scott’s  YouTube Channel

Chick-Fil-A Trade in your Homosexuality for a Free Chicken Sandwich

This is only a prank, but I thought it was pretty funny.